Saturday, March 3, 2018

Job-ba the Trump - Keep Hope Alive!

Turns out ol' Donald threw a hissy fit (no news), and in the process of throwing his toys from the crib (still no news), he decided to start a trade war (this is news). And what prompted his latest tantrum? Hope Hicks, his imminently unqualified...what was her job?...broke down and in a moment of weakness and told the truth to a Congressional committee, investigating the Trump campaign's collusion with Russia. Evidently, that was an unforgivable sin, so after getting a good dressing down, Hope was given the ol' pink slip and shown the door.

So...I'm not saying that free trade is fair trade, not by a long shot. Nor am I in any way endorsing what had traditionally been a bipartisan effort to allow American multinational corporations to do pretty much whatever they wanted, regardless of the social impact on the American workers. Both Democrats and Republicans have been super eloquent about the great benefits of globalization to the American consumer, conveniently forgetting that these same consumers are also American workers. Let me break it down: if you've lost collective bargaining rights, if automation has sped by and left your skill set sucking its fumes, and if government at all levels fails to lift a finger to retool you for this brave new world of unfettered globalization, then I got news for you, pal. You're screwed.

So do I believe that the Donald is now suddenly a champion of the working man? Hardly. There's an angle here somewhere. We just haven't discovered it...yet. So, let the temper tantrum trade (ti-rade?) wars begin, and be careful that this big fat, slimy, skeezy slug doesn't swallow you up, too. Your livelihood? Chomp! Your retirement savings? Gulp! Your hope that your children have some sort of future and a chance to do as well if not better than you? Well, all I can say is keep hope a-BELCH!

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