Saturday, April 7, 2018

He's a Superfund Freak, a Superfund Freak - That Man is Kinda Freaky

Scott Pruitt, the Donald's prized eco-troll has gotten himself and the Trump Administration in some not so clean hot water. Pruitt's ethical lapses are too many to list and describe, so I'll let Lisa Friedman of the NY Times have that honor. Instead, I'll just observe that in an administration comprised of the slimiest, sleaziest and most loathsome band of miscreant toadies, Scott Pruitt manages to take the prize. He's gone after environmental protection regulations, all of which balance safeguarding public health with allowing industry as much free rein as possible to operate profitably, with a zeal that can only be explained by his ongoing serial relationships with myriad polluters in multiple sectors. This slimy toady sure gets around!

And now we're learning that John Kelley tried to show Pruitt the door only to have the rug pulled out from underneath him by Trump, who considers Pruitt to be one of his top performers. I guess the systematic destruction of the country's environment is right up there on Trump's bucket list, along with shtupping as many  porn stars, playmates and other various and sundry, especially right after his wife has given birth to his child. I can now see why Trump adores Pruitt so much, because Scotty's behavior demonstrates how these seemingly unrelated vocations all go hand in...well, let's just say, "hand." This reprehensible behavior manages to meet the Trumpian triple bottom line:

  1. Environmental - Pruitt, with Trump's unconditional support, is out to destroy the nation's air, water and land, all so businesses are allowed to operate without any concern for safeguarding the environment, our communities or the people who live in them.
  2. Financial - with no care for laws or ethical norms, Pruitt, like Trump, operates using an unashamedly transparent quid pro quo - exchanging cash and in-kind favors for favorable deregulations and policies.
  3. Social - Pruitt, in dispensing with such norms, behaves in a way that exemplifies Trump's M.O. - white entitlement run amok - along with all of its toxic inter-sectionality with misogyny and plutocracy. 
And, as if I needed to mention it, Republicans are doing what about all of this? Yeah, I thought so. Nothing. Nada. Rien, Nichego. They're only too happy to be riding the Trump Clown Train until it runs off the rails, crashes and burns in a dumpster. Meanwhile, they get to realize all of their wildest dreams by building this dystopian paradise of massive inequality, white supremacy and environmental degradation. 

Beam me up, Scotty!

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