Sunday, May 19, 2019

He's Lovin' It

I don't know about you, but watching the Democrats in Congress wring their hands while the Donald runs roughshod over the rule of law is making my stomach turn, kinda like after I scarf down a "meal" at Mickey D's. All of these so-called salty veterans of D.C.'s favorite pastime, Insider Baseball, continue to tut-tut over the idea of beginning the impeachment process, even as the Trump administration swats away one subpoena after another, further diminishing Congress as a co-equal branch of the federal of government.

Instead, they come up with one politically expedient excuse after another about why now is not the right time, sticking their heads in the sand while muttering something about, "Let's wait until 2020, and let the voters decide." What the heck are they scared of? That the Senate won't actually vote to impeach Trump? That impeachment will throw them off message as they head into the 2020 elections? That the politics aren't to their liking? Something is beginning to smell an awful lot like flop sweat, oozing out of the pores of 280 Democrats on the Hill. Meanwhile, the Trump administration strategy of stonewalling and stalling appears to be working, allowing them to continue pursuing their white supremacist mission with impunity.

Personally, I thought Elizabeth Warren had it about right when she pointed out that nowhere in the U.S. Constitution is there an exception for political inconvenience. At least there's one Democrat who is willing to assume her institutional role obligation and uphold the Constitution, protect the rule of law and stand up to Trump. Okay, to be fair, there are several others, but among the Democratic "leadership," you don't hear anything coming close to this kind of response. Just crickets. Chirp.

And Trump, who has been claiming "total exoneration" and who has been benefiting from William morphing into Roy Cohn, couldn't be happier. After all, he's insisted all along that the Mueller investigation was a "witch hunt" instigated by angry partisans of the Deep State in the FBI and the national security-intelligence apparatus. And the Democratic response to this man who would have us all believe that everything in the Mueller Report is just one big "Nothing Burger"?

"Would you like some (freedom) fries with that?"

I can only guess, he MUST be lovin' it.

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