Sunday, June 16, 2019

Down the Hatch (Act)!

We're probably running out of special places down you know where for members of the Creep Show that is the Trump Administration. They are nothing, if not consistent, continuing to outdo each other with their outlandish examples of moral turpitude. No surprise, since they're only following the lead of the Immoral Twerp-Dude-in-Chief. Still, you had to be left just a little gobsmacked by the lip-sneering show of entitlement by Kellyanne Conway when she dismissed charges made by the (Trump-appointed) head of the Office of Special Counsel (OSC), who called Conway a "repeat offender" of the Hatch Act. N.B. That's the law that forbids federal employees from engaging in campaign activities while on the clock at their taxpayer-funded jobs.

Conway's response? Essentially, she told the OSC, "Hatch Act, Shmatch Act, you can kiss my hairy Hatch (Act)!"

Not to be outdone, and just to make sure they cover their boss's prodigious backside, Trumpista flunkies fell over reach other, rushing to embrace their collective sense of victimhood - an increasingly regular occurrence these days - to claim the OLC was violating Conway's first amendment rights. Hoo, boy! Where do we start with that one? This little whiny bit of legalish-sounded horse puckey from the same crowd that supported Trump's calling journalists the "enemy of the people"? This from the followers of the wannabe-dictator who enjoyed whipping up his supporters into a frenzy at his rallies and urging them to assault reporters? I don't have enough time or space in this blog to list the many examples where Trump & Co. have shown their utter disdain and disregard for the first amendment (and most of the rest of the Constitution, too, for that matter).

But never mind all that, let's just sit for a moment and let it sink in that Conway's act of audacious impunity is likely to go unpunished, since the Democrats, despite winning back the House, are too busy wringing their hands and fingering their worry beads to lift, well, a finger. Okay, okay, to be fair, Conway's lawbreaking is probably exhibit #3,024 in the long, running list of crimes committed by Trump and his Creepies, but still. Couldn't the Dems muster just a little bit of moral outrage. Would it be asking too much to call before a Congressional committee or three to account for her behavior? Can a committee chair get a witness? Nope, Trump has defied and ignored all of the subpoenas issued by the oversight committees.


But besides, we're told, the Democrats have been much too busy passing and sending bills to show us just how much better they are at governing than the other guys. You know, all that policy and legislative stuff that we, the public, are supposed to be paying attention to? And what has happened to said bills? They get sent over to the black hole that is Mitch McConnell's Senate where they promptly are given a bullet to the head and die a quiet death without so much as a proper burial. 

Which is another reason why Nancy, Chuck and the gang refuse to begin initiating the impeachment process, because they fear Mitch going all grim reaper on their you know whatsits.If you don't think you win a battle and you don't feel like doing the work to increase the probability of winning, then I guess it's okay to just delay, obfuscate, look the other way, and hope history treats you kindly in a few decades.

Hello, Mcfly? Anybody home? Impeachment IS your Constitutional obligation, even and especially more so in this dangerous political moment in which we find ourselves. Indeed, the Democrats need to figure out how to do both more effectively, but sadly, it is becoming painfully obvious that undertaking anything other than what they consider to be a safe political slam dunk is nowhere to be found in the Democratic Party's wheelhouse. So much for the loyal opposition sucking it up and putting on their big girl (and boy) pants.

I've ranted and raved enough. Time to take a break. Meanwhile, enjoy the toon and happy Father's Day to all you Dads out there. Just be sure not to let your daughters grow up to be like Kellyanne Conway, because there might still be some room in one of those special places somewhere you know where...

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