Saturday, June 22, 2019

Internment Camp Redux (and Rebrand!)

If anyone is having trouble keeping track of the number of asylum-seeking children who have been separated from their parents (yes, it's still happening) or of the steady decline in their safety and well-being, don't fret. You're not alone. The U.S. judiciary system continues to be just as confounded and confused by the Trump regime's continued attempts to circumvent the rule of law and carry on with its inhumane disappearing and warehousing of these innocent and now deeply traumatized children.

And before my fellow white liberal/progressive types start waving their hands like scarecrows, sputtering and fuming about how all of this debauchery of "American values" only began under Trump, well, all I can say is, you're wrong. Many of the conditions to which I refer - refrigerator-like temperatures, overcrowding, limited/no access to toiletries, basic supplies for washing and cleaning; insufficient supply of nutritious food; and conditions that make sleep near impossible - all began under...wait for it...

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

...under the administration of none other than the "Deporter-in-Chief" himself, one Barack H. Obama.

Okay, here's the obligatory disclaimer: I am not engaged in "what-aboutism." This fact by no means excuses either anything the Trump has done so far or anything it appears hellbent on continuing to do to these children. But can we all just please stop deluding ourselves that Democratic administrations were somehow qualitatively different (i.e., better) in their treatment of migrants and asylum-seekers coming from developing countries? Sure, there was a greater respect for due process, the rule of law and there was even a more efficient administration of justice in enforcing these laws.

But - News FLASH! - many of these laws were unjust and their enforcement robbed people of their dignity.

They were also part of the grand bargain the Democrats made with the white supremacist wahoos in their own party and those on the other side of the aisle to inure themselves from said wahoos' attacks along the lines of, "You're for open (insecure) borders and unregulated immigration." That sort of line would be a variation on theme of "weak on crime/defense/etc." attack line that has struck so much fear in Democrats' hearts and led them to do commit so many unspeakable acts of spineless pandering to white voters anxious about their racial status. And now that the 2020 election cycle is almost about to go into full swing - with Speaker Nancy insisting on a laser-like focus on healthcare and such - I don't see too many vertebrae being aligned and girded for this kind of fight.

Back to Trump regime's moral depravity...I just wonder how much hatred must be oozing out of these folks' pores such that they don't bat so much as an eyelash in carrying out these policies. I realize that these acts are but one small subset of their ever-expanding body of foulness, but for Pete's sake, these are children, many of who are mere toddlers. They were traumatized during their journey from their home countries, ripped out of their parents' arms by U.S. law enforcement and then thrown into enormous, caged walk-in refrigerators. The conditions of which are so mind-numbingly inhumane that you wonder if we are finally hitting rock bottom as a society.

I guess not, since ICE will only begin its nationwide deportation operation will begin tomorrow. As a dear friend of mine once said about another nation in dire straits, "I guess there's always one more swish in the toilet bowl." Flush twice! It's a long way to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.!

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