Sunday, November 26, 2017

Bad Santa Goes to Washington

Looks like the Donald has officially pitched in his lot with Roy Moore. What shall we call them? Here are my top choices:

  1. Tweedle Scum and Tweedle Scummier
  2. Predator vs. Pedo-phalien
  3. Grabber and Groper
  4. ...You get the idea
I guess it's only logical. Trump needs that Senate seat to remain Republican, and in this age of win at any cost, democratic norms be damned, why should we be surprised. It's a bit hard for me to take the Senate Republicans' efforts to come up with ways that they won't actually have to seat Moore, should he win, and make no mistake, he most probably will win. Some Alabamians are even considered moving out of the state, which will make it an even more concentrated version of its present self: racist, homophobic, and pedo-friendly.

So, great. The Democrats either get to win a seat that they hadn't expected to win or they get to hang Roy Moore all over the Republicans. I cannot say that either option really offers me much hope. But then I'm not really what actually does. After all, given the gerrymandered Congressional districts, it's highly unlikely the Democrats will take back either house of Congress, and even if they did they've been proving themselves thoroughly incapable of articulate a clear alternative message to Trumpism. So I'll just keep my ink cartridges ready for more opportunities to generate some laughs, smirks and giggles. Hope you keep coming back for more.And now, the toon:

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