Saturday, November 11, 2017

Republican Rebrand? How about Rehab

Hi Sportsfans,

Well, now that the floodgates have opened, decades' and decades' worth of the slime has begun to ooze out. Powerful, (again, and I will not tire of mentioning this, mostly white) men are finally being held to account for their abuses of power and of their victims' rights. And just when you thought it couldn't any sicker or ickier - I mean, c'mon Louis C.K., really? - the Washington Post revealed that Roy Moore, Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, preyed on a 14-year old girl along with several other adolescent girls.

This is the same guy who lost his job (twice) as the Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice. In the first instance, he refused to remove a statue of the eleven commandments from public property. Yes, you read that right, eleven commandments, including the one he and his twisted god of self-serving narcissism sneaked in when nobody was watching: "Thou Shalt Not Get Caught."

And, as if that weren't bad enough, Roy an' the Good Ol' Boys in the 'Bama and the national Grand Ol' Party are all doing their best to deny, minimize and rationalize away what were obviously the immoral actions of a deeply sick individual. Rolling out every reprehensible PR tactic they can, they are re-traumatizing these women who stand to gain nothing except maybe, one would hope, the satisfaction of having used their voice to speak truth to a powerful, perverted pedophile.

I hope that the people of Alabama wake up, realize what is at stake, retrieve their lost sense of right and wrong, and remove this sick pedo from the ballot. I hope that they choose not to elect this scumbag. If they do otherwise, while it wouldn't be surprising, it will only serve as another example of just low they and all the other conservatives in the U.S. have sunk to justify their generations-long embrace of white supremacism.

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