Monday, October 23, 2017

Holy Moses and the Burning...Tush?!

In the dumpster fire that is the current administration, there are no firemen or first responders of any kind. Instead, there are only arsonists, chief among whom is none other than the Donald. What's sad - so sad, sadder than we've ever seen before - has been the willingness of his Chief of Staff, John F. Kelley, to allow Trump to drag his name and well-earned reputation through the mud, all in the service of protecting the Big Pig himself. Trump and Kelly then tag-teamed to hurl insults at a Member of Congress while at the same time managing to rub salt in the very fresh wounds of a grieving gold star widow. Finally, to seal the deal Kelly sanctimoniously cloaked himself in his own tragic loss to protect himself from anyone daring to level criticism at him for his behavior.

The Trump Administration's aggressive enforcement of reckless impunity and pathological refusal to accept responsibility for its actions are so transparently obvious, and they occur so frequently it appears that nobody, including the feckless Democrats, is willing to remind that crew that they work for us, the American people. And by American people, I mean all of us, not just the knuckleheads who couldn't get past their sense of righteous, white supremacist indignation to vote for Trump.

At this rate, after a full four years of this "Trumpster fire" of an administration, we'll all be left just holding our ashes.

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