Monday, December 18, 2017

Fake Jews...and I Imagine They're All Very Fine People

Donald and the rest of the Trailer Park Wahhabis recently declared victory in their Crusade against the Infidels who were committing apostasy by wishing folks, "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas." With all the problems we face as a nation, and THIS is what has occupied Trump's tiny brain for the past 2 months? Not that I'm surprised. It probably provides a useful distraction when he's fretting about the latest fake news that's flashing on his big screen TV in his man child cave in the White House residence.

And who better than to aid and abet in overcoming the heretics spouting fake news then Trump's very own Fake Jews! Okay, maybe I'm being a bit harsh on National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn, who did express his distaste for the Tiki Torchnacht march in Charlottesville after his boss made heroic efforts to try to normalize the neo-Nazis and white supremacists and what they stand for. And then he clammed up and went on his business developing the horror show that is the Republican tax cut, which is about to be voted on in Congress.

Cohn, Kushner and Miller are all very much behind Trump's plutocratic-fascist agenda. Thanks to them, many of their fellow Americans are worse off and this country is now firmly on a glide path for the rubbish bin. Shame on them. I thought that when Hillel (and others) offered the golden rule it was "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," not "Screw all the others and do what's good just for you." I must have missed that lesson in Hebrew School.

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