Sunday, February 11, 2018

Why Support Trump? Beats the Heck Out of Me...

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy...It just gets better and better with the Donald weighing in and inveighing against the entire MeToo# movement and any person who has ever survived sexual, physical and/or emotional abuse. I'd say that the Republican Party leaders have all collectively bit their lip but I'm not sure they have much lip left to bite after they've kept silent for any number of his other vile utterances. Actually, they haven't kept silent. They've defended him and the indefensible.

Of course, this the same GOP that has gone along with Trump in his or rather their collective (policy) assault against women, eliminating and de-funding major programs that would otherwise be considered a civil right in most other civilized countries. But with the Right Wahhabi Wing firmly in control of the GOP, it's doubtful we'll see anything besides this continued rollback of any of the recent efforts to ensure women enjoyed equal access to justice. Oh well, but I'm not giving up hope.

I'm putting my money on those women who have decided to get mad AND get even and are now running for office. And I hope they do hit back, figuratively speaking of course, at the GOP's decades' long policy assault against women and equal rights. And for those who actually support the GOP's misogyny, well, go on ahead, I say. Stand by your men. Take that left hook to the jaw, and show the whole world just how much you love 'em.

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