Sunday, August 5, 2018

EVERY-body's Crazy

I guess I should be more riveted, obsessed and fascinated about the Manafort trial...but I'm not. Maybe I'm just too impatient to wait and see how this and subsequent trials play out and just want this whole nightmare to come to a quick end. Or maybe I'm just thinking that all of this strum, drag and angst are likely to amount to a big fat goose egg. The endemic, systemic corruption of our institutions being so engrained and deeply rooted at this point, it seems as if we're just all standing by as we watch them in their death throes as they flail, fail, flounder and eventually fizzle out.

Boy, do I need a vacation.

Okay, let me rouse myself from my cynical stupor. Clearly, Trump is deeply fatootzed about the Manafort trial and what it might produce and lead to. Clearly, the Republican Congress is doing everything in its power to thwart Mueller from proceeding any further. And, clearly, with everyone's attention riveted by the drama in and outside of the courtroom we are once again allowing the Trump administration to get away with a long list of heinous policy crimes: the continued separation and incarceration of  children from their asylum seeking parents as well as the continued systematic dismantling of our flimsy safeguards against institutional racism, industrial pollution and fraudulent corporate practises. It just wears me out, and all I can do is hope that there are good people out there who make these and any number of other compelling issues their cause and pursue them doggedly to seek justice and accountability.

Me? The best I can do in this lousy mess we've created for ourselves is to muster a bit of inspiration from the bearded Texan rockers of my adolescence to produce the latest toon. Hope you enjoy...

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