Monday, September 17, 2018

It Takes One To Nominate One

OOPS...Looks like Brett "Boy Scout" Kavanaugh turned out to have a few skeletons in the closet after all. Does it matter that his alleged assault of a teenage girl took place 35 plus years ago? I don't know. What I do take issue with is the instinctive denial by his and his patron (President Trump) of the event while immediately launching a campaign to smear the survivor of his alleged assault.

And then, of course, there's the vast majority of the Republican Senators' disingenuous accusations of political hackery by the Democrats, accusations that don't stand up to the cold hard light of day. Of course, sexual assault survivors don't report the assault immediately; they're traumatized. Of course, some survivors take years, decades in this case, to work through that trauma to begin, often piecemeal, to disclose their experiences to others. And, of course, the survivor in this case tried as best she could to protect her privacy, until it was simply no longer possible to do so, which delayed the public release of her story.

All of these details are in consequential to Republicans who are hellbent to ram through Kavanaugh's nomination for the judiciary committee's and full Senate vote's. Setting bogus deadlines and rushing the process are all needed so that they can install a multigenerational conservative majority in the Supreme Court. What about justice for the survivor of Kavanaugh's alleged assault? Justice, in any meaningful sense of the word, has nothing to do with it. Rather, the reassertion of fully institutionalized white supremacist plutocracy is the real objective here. Speaking of which, once they've done the deed, they'll have to change the name of the court back to its original name:

The White Supremacy Court.

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