Saturday, March 9, 2019

A Very Fine Fellow

Not surprisingly, Trump and the rest of the GOP have been all over the Democrats' recent attempts to address the genuine differences that exist among their ranks. The Democratic-controlled House finally managed to pass a resolution condemning all forms of hatred, including anti-Semitism as well as Islamophobia, homophobia and white supremacy. I'm not going to unpack all of the angst and inner turmoil the Democrats went through to finally get to that point. Let me instead just say that I salute them for taking on the issue, hashing it out, and coming to some form of an in-group consensus...unlike the very fine people on the other side.

And that is the subject of today's rant 'n' rave. Any time you have Donald Trump trying to shame someone else for anti-Semitism, you have truly summited the Mount Everest of hypocrisy. Here's a dude who has spent his entire adult life marinating in a toxic bilious brew of misogyny, white supremacy, and anti-Semitism. The idea that he or his spineless Republican lemmings have even an iota of moral authority remaining to castigate anyone else for anti-Semitism...Well, let me just tip my hat to Jonathan Greenblatt, the Anti-Defamation League CEO, who tweeted, "Those who truly care about the Jewish community shouldn't politicize #antiSemitism. No one should be grandstanding now. Elected leaders can best help us move forward by ending the blame game & genuinely committing to rebuild bonds & fight #hate in all forms."

Exactly. Because that's what Trump is and has always been about - grandstanding - transparently baseless buffoonery, puffery, bullying and the amoral, sociopathic pursuit of gratifying his painfully insecure ego. Despite all that, deep down underneath, I'm sure he's probably a very fine fellow... Nicht.

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