Monday, April 29, 2019

Heads Up!

It appears that the Trump Administration has served notice to Congress that it will no longer be making its people available for any further testimony or anything else for that matter, in response to Congress attempting to exercise its oversight authority. The Mueller investigation was the one and only chance Congress and, by extension, the American people had at holding Don the Con and his swamp thingies accountable for their chronic slime bucketry and shenanigans.

Gosh, I didn't realize checks and balances worked that bad.

Meanwhile, over at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), everything is sunny and gay (in a non-Pence-like way, of course). Climate change? To paraphrase Alfred B. Newman, "What, we worry?" Or should we? Because it sure looks like the scientists over there - remember them, those silly people who live in that bizarre-o world of empiricism and facts? - didn't get the memo on promoting climate denial from Don the Con. In fact, they just issued a report, warning us all that here in the U.S. we ought "to start planning for the fact that climate change is going to make these catastrophes (natural disasters) worse."

But not so, sez EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler. Nope. According to him, “most of the threats from climate change are 50 to 75 years out.” Great, he's just given us the proverbial kick o' the can down the road. Or maybe he really does know something we (and thousands of scientists) don't know? Or maybe, just maybe, over at 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, the head doesn't know what the body is doing. Maybe that's because the "head," aka, EPA Administrator Wheeler, has got his own kopf stuck up his tuchus, a well-documented result of being a part of the skulk of foxes that has been put in charge of the myriad hen houses that are the U.S. federal regulatory apparatus.

Well, stranger things have been known to happen than a bought-and-paid-for former (?) coal industry lobbyist lying about the potential impacts of climate change, even if he did swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and the American people, all 327 odd million of us, and not his Carbonnsauras clients. I guess when you have to constantly gaslight the American public and their elected representatives, having your head involuntarily lodge itself up your backside is an occupational hazard. What with having to contort yourself to assume all kinds of awkward positions so that you can give at least the appearance of seriousness while coughing up another hairball of half-truths and artful dodges. Having said that, doing this particular kind of deep dive does have the added benefit of not having to witness the consequences of your action on the planet, or on your fellow human beings.

See? It's not climate denial. It's just an example of self-care, but please don't try this at home.

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