Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Sounds of Autumn

This past week, Autumn finally blew into Washington, DC. Temperatures have dropped a bit, the wind has picked up, and we all have had to scrape off the first frost from our windshields. And as the weather has grown cold, so the impeachment proceedings have really begun to hot up. Pretty soon we will be able to view these proceedings live, as the Democrats shift the impeachment to public hearings. No longer will we have to rely on leaks; everything will be broadcast for all to watch the spectacle in all of its...gory, sordid details.
Already a steady stream of administration witnesses have defied the White House's orders to resist Congress's subpoenas and have instead chosen to testify. These men and women of the U.S. civil and foreign service have admiringly chosen to remain true to their oath to the Constitution, putting country before some misguided loyalty to this corrupt regime. And, boy, has this pissed off the GOP and their demented, bloated pet orangutan. Not surprisingly, they have subjected these public servants to all manner of personal attack and smears, even making claims of dual loyalty against a decorated army veteran who earned a Purple Heart for his valor in the battlefield.
In fact, Trump and his merry band of GOP enablers have really had to strain to come up with new defenses for his indefensible behavior. The growing body of evidence collected by Congressional investigators has cut through most of them like a hot knife slices through rancid butter. No matter. The GOP simply goes back to dredge up another bucket of muck and then another and another, all from the mother lode of muck, a deep, thick vein of which seems to run straight through Trump's backside.
Do not despair. Instead just enjoy the brilliant foliage, the crisp air and sweet smell of fall leaves, slowing decaying and preparing the soil for rebirth and growth next spring. Hopefully, by then Trump will be enjoying his swamp-side villa in his new state of residence...under house arrest.

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