Sunday, January 13, 2019

And a Brat Shall Lead Them

I guess I'm getting sick and tired of the back and forth about Trump's epic temper tantrum over funding for his border wall, which is emblematic of his entire presidency. His MO has been to avoid doing the hard work required to successfully formulate policy recommendations and then build sufficient political support to advance his policy agenda. Instead, he'd rather whine, insult, taunt and complain when nobody wants to support the hot mess that he and his minions ends up proposing.
There's two sides to said hot mess. First, there's the (smelly, usually brown) substance of it. What do we expect when we elect someone with the intellectual capacity of a grapefruit (or is that an orange?) to the presidency. Who do you think he surrounds himself with? None other than the dregs of the policy underworld - know-nothings who wouldn't be hired to make coffee, never mind serve as senior policy advisers at most legit think tanks. Invariably, they generate the same racist dystopian garbage they were producing when they were working for some über-wealthy right wing social Darwinist's social media outlet.
And then there's the politics of this hot mess, which is where there's a real silver lining. Thanks to Trump and his ham-fisted push for this policy agenda, he has effectively stripped away whatever veneer of intellectual credibility GOP "thought leaders" might have enjoyed when cooking up their junk public policy recommendations. These policy white papers sought to legitimize climate change denial, gutting the social safety net and public services more broadly, funding endless wars as an excuse to fatten the bloated military-intelligence complex, etc. Now we can see them for what they are - flimsy, specious rationales for increased militarism abroad, and race-based inequality and institutionalized white minority rule at home. 
The only thing Trump has done in trashing the so-called norms was to strip off the happy face stickers to reveal the big hairy knuckled middle finger he and his plutocratic white supremacist backers have forever hoisted to remind us to stay in our place. Time to crack a few knuckles and chuck these knuckleheads out. La luta continua!

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