Wednesday, January 23, 2019

White Elephants

What inspired me to ink this cartoon was hearing Vice-President Mike Pence, with a straight, blank face - Does he have any other kind of face? (Oh yeah, he does. That face he makes when he gazes lovingly, longingly at the face of his fearless leader) - comparing Donald Trump to Martin Luther King, Jr. Part of me wanted to believe that he was just using the standard Trump administration M.O. of launching the most impossibly outrageous lie and then self-righteously portraying himself as the victim when someone calls BS.

But then I remembered - he is a man of little brain, so I probably shouldn't ascribe such devious behavior or crafty thinking to him. God bless his bitter little stone cold heart; he probably really believes the nonsense he spouted. I imagined that he genuinely wondered why so many people reacted so strongly to his colossally insulting act of racial insensitivity and historical whitewashing.

Speaking of whitewashing, that's exactly what the Trump administration has had to engage in in order to clean up the heaping, reeking mound of horse pucky it has scattered everywhere to make its case for the so-called "border wall." This monstrous vanity project of a delusional sociopathic narcissist fits the (Oxford English Dictionary) definition of a white elephant: "An object, building project, scheme, business venture, facility, etc., considered expensive but without use or value."

Then there's the enablers behind this deluded grabby little brat - the Grand Old Party - whose symbol, an elephant, has become decidedly much more white and, more to the point, white supremacist over the past 50-odd years. They can blather on as much as they like about border security but the facts-based, facts-using adults in the room have already made the following abundantly clear:

  1. A border wall offers little to no real protection; it is one of the least cost-effective measure we could possibly use to achieve the objective of border security.
  2. What exactly is the Trump administration's objective anyway? Feeding more read meat to its rabidly racist base? Barring entry for legitimate immigrants and asylum seekers? TV ratings?
  3. The real threats are self-made: the consequences of the past century of U.S. foreign policy in the Western Hemisphere.
So we're left with the useless pursuit of a worthless Caucasian pachyderm, a "partially" shut down federal government (with all of its attendant social costs), absolutely zero progress on the issues we all pretend to care about, and a bunch of clowns running around clobbering each other on the head.

Smells like the circus to me...

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