Saturday, January 19, 2019

Bowl of Mush

I've been watching with a mixture of amusement, sympathy and sadness as Brexit inexorably sucks the once proud United Kingdom into the black hole of white nationalist isolation. As a dear friend of mine once said about another country hellbent on self-destruction, "There's always one more swish in the toilet bowl." So, too, sadly - or so it appears - for the UK. As Theresa May puts the country through the traumatizing experience of multiple failed attempts to pass Brexit implementing legislation, I can only imagine what most Brits must feel like: shite, which has an uncanny resemblance to a bowl of Weetabix, once properly soddened with one's favorite tasty accompanying beverage of choice. 
It would be easy to blame the poor sods who actually voted "leave" during the referendum some two and a half years ago. Bless their hearts, they probably really believed the shite (notice a theme here?) they were fed by the Brexiteer propagandists. That Brexit would result in untold billions of savings once the UK was out from underneath of the yoke of the Eurocrats. That the savings would pay for all that the same public goods the Brexiteer right-wingers had stripped from British society over the past nearly 40 years: a functioning social safety net, a properly funded NHS, an equitable economic development model that extended beyond north of Watford, etc. That there really was an Easter Bunny. 
Instead, they're not getting...well, shite...and are forced to watch the spectacle of their elected officials race to outdo each other in their utter incompetence and stupidity with each side unwilling to admit their part in this massive cock up and hit the reset button. Of course, much of this feels familiar to those of us on this side of the pond where the Cheeto Antichrist is finally being challenged by the newly emboldened Democratic opposition, which decided to make its first bold move in reclaiming our democracy by promptly getting into, to borrow Speaker Pelosi's phrase, a "peeing match with a skunk." Glad she followed her own advice. 
So, to me sisses and bruvs on the other side of the pond, we feel your pain...and are are likely to feel a whole lot more of it as the Orange Cheezebub continues to wrench us out of those few global institutions that actually contribute to the common good. While he's busy doing that abroad, he'll continue to trash our economy with his regular temper tantrums, virulent corruption and breathtaking incompetence. I'm not even going to start on how he's ripped the happy face band aid off of our broken (social contract) leg with his openly white supremacist rhetoric, about which our Republican Party maintains a lockstep, disciplined Omertà silence. 
Once Trump and his ilk have finished with us, we'll probably wind up in a place not too dissimilar from where you are now...swirling in the inescapable downward vortex of the bog of history, racing to meet the big pile of weetabix that awaits all of us.

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