Tuesday, January 10, 2017

No...You're the Puppet

Happy New Year...I guess.

So, where to start? It turns out that our sexual predator-elect has got a real man crush on Vlady Putin. It would be endearing if it weren't so dangerous, since one of these two bromance partners wants to turn the world inside out and rule it with an iron fist, and the other one...wants to turn the world inside out and rule it with an iron fist.

Okay, let me try again. We'll clearly never be able to go beyond suspicion and innuendo about what's really behind Trump's warped infatuation with Putin and his little big man authoritarian governing style until the Donald releases his tax returns. Unfortunately, with the Replutocrats in power there are no real checks and no one with any real authority willing to use them to exact some accountability for this shameless trampling of political norms.

So unless the Democratic Party decides to unshackle itself from its own unsavory relationship with the country's financial elite, show some intestinal fortitude and reclaim its mantle as the protector of the vulnerable and marginalized, I'm afraid we're in for at least a four-year slide into becoming Banana Republic with Putin as the Banana-in-Chief and Trump as the chief banana picker, packer...or whatever.

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