Friday, January 26, 2018

Talk to the Hand

Hand of G-d or Hand of McGahn? Was the Donald really that close to going all in for firing Robert Mueller? Was Donald McGahn trying to save the Trump presidency or was he just realizing that he was about to lose his lawyer's license? Meanwhile, since then, Trump and his pathetic, dissembling minions have done nothing but lie about what was clearly about to become the young administration's Armageddon, atomic dumpster fireball moment.

Speaking of Armageddon, is it any coincidence that the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists recently moved the Doomsday Clock to End of the World closer to midnight by 2 minutes? Maybe they made the change after realizing that it's highly likely, if not probable, that our petulant little man-child will get his nose rubbed out of joint and then use his fidgety, stubby little fingers to send us all to Kingdom Come.

But I digress...

Republicans in Congress have all sent Kimberly-Clark's stock soaring to new highs as they can't buy enough Depends as Mueller strengthens his case on proving the Trump campaign/administration's collusion with the Russians and subsequent obstruction of justice. In the meanwhile, they are content to denigrate Mueller, his team, the FBI and any other justice sector institution or representative who dares to cast doubt on the innocence of their crotch grabbing, Putin man crushing, political agenda advancing sugar daddy.

So...let's see if some of these so-called Republican "moderates" cross the aisle and band together with their Democratic counterparts to salvage what remains of our democratic norms and institutions of governance. If they do, it might just be due to the hand of G-d.

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