Sunday, July 8, 2018

All the World's A Gangsta...And All the Diplomats Are Merely Playuhs

Mikey "the Friendly Ghost" Pompeo just got his "culetto" handed to him by the North Koreans so that he could hand deliver it to the Donald. So much for sleeping well tonight or any night. It turns out that the North Koreans are either (a) doing exactly what they've always done during negotiations with the U.S. and/or (b) really ramping up their nukes program with even greater vigor just to show Trump what a clueless sucker he's been during this entire process.

After the mandatory verbal smack down - North Korea called the U.S. "gangster-like" - which was just another way of the North Koreans telling Pompeo not to let the door hit him on his way out of the negotiations - Mikey came up with a comeback that was right up there with Trump's very own, "No. You're the puppet." He told the North Koreans that "the world is a gangster." Not sure what that's supposed to mean. Charitably, he might have been saying that all diplomats have a little gangster in them as they defend their respective countries' national interest with the sangfroid of a gangster.

Or, maybe Pompeo was just giving props to his boss and sputtering some incoherent nonsense. You be the judge. Meanwhile, enjoy the toon!

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