Sunday, July 22, 2018


Much has been said about what the Donald did whilst on his most excellent European Vacation - trashing our allies, bullying female prime ministers, whining about how unfair it is that our NATO allies make us pay a disproportionate amount for our collective defense, blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada. And then he went to Helsinki to meet his bromance BFF, Pooty, to give his Boyar boyo some love, respect, and who knows what else during their 2-hour private confab.

Treason? I dunno. Probably not. Just more examples of how Trump is physically incapable of ever, EVER saying so much as one bad word about Russia or its leader. That's not what caught my attention this week. It was the reaction of the Republican party. Again, no surprises here, given their primal fear of saying "boo" against anything Trump says or does. I get it - the polls show that all of the knuckle-dragging, tea-bagging, mouth-breathing masses, aka the GOP base, love everything Trump does by wide margins. Still, one has to wonder why the GOP has really lost its gusto for promising its base the world and then screwing it over in favor of lavishing more love on the super-wealthy (for future explanation, see Frank, Thomas. What's the Matter with Kansas? 2005).

Then we read about the red-headed Russian "unregistered agent," Maria Butina, who spent the past 5 years rubbing shoulders with the leadership of the GOP base's main political platforms, including the National Rifle Association among others. Now I get it. I begin to understand the GOP's reticence. It's not that Trump has sold his soul to Putin & Co. He has. It's that the entire GOP has been doing exactly the same thing. No, it's not all about the money. The Russians have yet to become the GOP's biggest sugar daddy - not by a long shot. Rather, it's the optics of one of America's two major parties, sullying itself by sidling up to the Bolshoi Gangsta to cement their white supremacist minority rule through political PsyOps, the very same the U.S. Government used on multiple countries during the Cold War - Iran, Guatemala, Greece, El Salvador, Chile, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, etc., etc.

Talk about karmic justice. I guess the chickens have finally come home to roost Trump's Mar-el-Lago Florida Dacha.

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