Sunday, February 10, 2019

Nothing Personal

As readers of the Imperial Wardrobe have seen, I have mixed feelings about Speaker Pelosi. I'm no big fan of her incrementalist centrism, which at best is an effective rearguard action to defend against Republican efforts to send us back to the 19th century. However, I won't hesitate to give her credit when it's due. She's a master tactician, more than capable of carefully and purposefully advancing the Democratic leadership's agenda. Few can match her ability to ride herd on all of the little Democrat kitties, many of whom will often get distracted with whatever ball of yarn happens to bounce their way. And, of course, she knows how to make a fool of Il Duce, aka, il minaccia arancia.

Which brings me to today's entry for the Wardrobe. Whilst huffing and puffing and blowing his SOTU down into the gutter last week, Trump tried to threaten "Nancy" and the Dems in case they got it into their heads that it was open season on him and his brood. If they so much as thought about calling Trump & co. to account for their various and sordid activities and misdeeds, he promised he would flex his muscles and show'em who was really boss.

Yeah, right.

I couldn't track down the actual number of planned and current House investigations/hearings into the administration's various miscreants, but I'm guessing it ranges between one and two dozen. The Democrats' efforts stand in stark contrast to the those of Republicans, who cynically abdicated their institutional role responsibility over the past two years. They were too obsessed with ramming through as many unqualified, rabid right-wingers into the U.S. federal judiciary and making our society even more of Dickensian dystopia with yet another unaffordable tax cut for the super rich.  Describing them as asleep at the wheel probably doesn't do justice to the damage they did to our system of governance.

As my high school chemistry teacher liked to say, "Don't get mad. Get even." Who better to stick to the Re-flub-agains than Charm City's very own favorite daughter, Nancy Pelosi. They say that she learned the tricks of the trade at the feet of her father, former Bmore mayor, Thomas "Big Tommy" D'Alesandro. I'm sure she knows exactly how to read the riot act to Trump and his spineless Republican enablers without even raising her voice and all the while doing it with a smile. After all, she knows; it's nothing personal, or even partisan. Its governance.

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