Friday, February 1, 2019

The Schooled Are the Ruled Are the Fooled

Evidently, the Donald didn't hire some of the very best, very smart people to run his intelligence agencies. Once again, after those silly career professionals attempted to behave as such in front of Congress, they contradicted the Donald's wishful thinking on the current status of threats posed to U.S. national security. Nota Bene - I am no big fan of the intel community - they've done some pretty horrible things and with the exception of the Church Commission's work 40 years ago, they've rarely been held to account. However, I'll give them this: they're quite committed to doing what they believe to be in the best interest of protecting U.S. national security, even if their work often undermines this objective, but that's another blog.

This professionalism stands in stark contrast to somebody I know. And I think you know him, too. This somebody has the attention span of a Chihuahua on amphetamines. This somebody has the intellectual capacity of...about the same [perdoname mil veces, mis preciosos perritos, no quéria insultarles, ya lo saben, verged cue sí?]. And this is same somebody has a pathological aversion to facts when they don't conform with his own extremely narrow, always warped view of reality.

So when Trump goes out and tells the world that up is down and down is up when it came to U.S. national security and how his policies have been oh so very successful, you know his intel chiefs were going to have to set the record straight. Never to be one to countenance such fact-based truth to bluster, Trump lashed back, telling his intel chiefs that they were "naive" and that they should probably go back to school. By doing so he somehow was implying that they, with more than a century of collective experience, lacked the same depth and breadth of knowledge as him. This from a man whose main source of information comes from vacuous right wing pundits on Fox News and bloviating white supremacist pinheads on talk radio.

Which school might Trump be suggesting these low IQ intel chiefs go to? Where else? Trump U, of course! All hail our dear alma mater, that very white ivory tower of hucksterism, know-nothingism and flimflammery. Give the intel chiefs a few weeks of Trump U's best offerings, and they'll come out with their heads filled with the most beautiful, brainiest smarts and firmly planted up their backsides...The real question is, "Is our intel chiefs learning?"

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